FRF Education

Empowering Tomorrow's Trainers

Embark on your fitness industry journey today!

Equipping the future wave of fitness experts.

The Full Range Fitness Education Team are here to help accelerate your journey

What we do

We specialise in delivering essential core qualifications for those looking to enter the fitness industry.

Our approach is straightforward; we focus on providing you with the best possible start without overcomplicating the process.

If you're seeking a quick course to rush you into the industry, we might not be the right fit for you.

However, if you're looking for a provider that equips you with the knowledge and skills you need to excel in the fitness industry, ensuring your success once you're out there, then we are the perfect choice for you!

How we do it

Our core product is a blended learning approach combining personalised guidance from a dedicated tutor and our comprehensive e-learning platform.

You have the convenience of studying from home while also having the option to complete practical assignments in a way that suits you, whether that means your tutor coming to you or you coming to us.

This approach ensures a well-rounded and effective learning experience for your fitness education.

Now, the why?

We do what we do because we understand the challenges of navigating a crowded and noisy educational landscape.

Our core value is to simplify the process while ensuring that you are exceptionally well-prepared for the fitness industry.

We believe in the power of clarity, quality, and industry Image Sliderreadiness to help you succeed in your fitness career

Office: Polegate

Call 07455 164553



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